New location
2842 Willow Street Pike
Willow Street PA 17584
New phone number
(717) 464-2038
New email address
For directions or a large map click here
New operating hours
Monday thru Friday
9:00a – 5:00p
Saturday 9:00a – 4:00p
Closed Sunday
Main Street Closet has purchased the former Darrenkamp building in Willow Street and is planning to open the new store on April 12, 2014.
Look through your house for housewares and clothing that can be given to Main Street Closet. Donations will be accepted at the Willow Street store after March 31.
Volunteers are the life blood of MCC thrift shops. There are many volunteer opportunities for all ages and we can work with your schedule. Find out what our volunteers and you can do.